Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Baby Riddle

Okay, so most of you know that Rand and I are expecting another little boy in June!! I know you may be shocked that we actually found out this time what we were having, but we just decided at the last minute. I have to say, if I am blessed to have more children after this one I don't think I will find out until the baby actually comes out. I definately think it is more exciting that way! Anyway, we are absolutely thrilled to have another boy!! I think we have the name picked out already but if you think of any cute boy names let us know!!

So here are some pictures from the sonogram. The baby was kicking me the whole time. It was so weird because the kicks weren't hard enough for me to feel but I could just see my insides taking a beating from the baby. These two pictures are my most favorite. I especially like his little leg sticking up!


Haiku Amy said...

For Cute! As Grandma Bytheway always used to say.

Sarah Jimenez said...

Those are the neat ultrasounds! I am so excited for you guys! I can't remember how your pencil test went...was it boy,boy,girl,boy??? =) Rayden is getting so big- what a handsome boy!
On another note, we ran into Wes & Shana in Wal-Mart last night. Looks like they finally broke away from MO.I hope you guys aren't too far behind. It would be good to see you soon!- Sorry for the way long post!

Barbara said...

Sarah, I don't remember my pencil test either but I at least remember there being two boys at the beginning. We'll have to do it again sometime. Ya, Wes and Shana just moved back last week. I wish so bad I could be in St. George right now. Randy still has to finish up his last semester here and then who knows!?

Sarah Jimenez said...

That's exciting that Randy is almost done with school! Yay! We would love to have you guys in St. George. We could always use more good friends around.

Sarah Jimenez said...

That's exciting that Randy is almost done with school! Yay! We would love to have you guys in St. George. We could always use more good friends around.