Thursday, January 21, 2010

Roller Coaster!

What a week this has been!!! I literally have felt like I've been on a roller coaster this week. Since now that I work-out all the time and am constantly thinking of aerobic routines I have to relate everything I do to working out. For instance, you know how one way to get a really good workout is to switch back and forth between high intensity and low intensity moves? Well, I wonder if the same goes for emotional workouts. Do you think it is healthy to to exercise yourself emotionally by switching back and forth between high and low emotions???? I hope so because that is what my week has been like.

I have gone from being so excited and happy and thinking I have the best life in the entire world, to completely frustrated and angry and unhappy the next minute. Looking back on my week I have realized that I probably acted foolish in certain situations to bring on my emotional roller coaster so I guess the important thing to realize is that I can learn from my mistakes and try to not repeat them! I also have been reminded this week of what things in my life I can control and what things I have no control over at all!

I have had to learn the hard way, but it sure was worth it to learn early in life that Heavenly Father has a plan for me and that everything happens for a reason. Now, just because I learned this lesson and I know that it is true does not mean that it is easy to always understand. I am constantly having to remind myself!!! Sometimes it is Randy that has to remind me, he always just seems so easy going and relaxed and he is always having to knock some sense into me!!! I don't know what I would do without him...have a nervous breakdown I guess. It really pays off to have a husband who is a pro when it comes to psychology, it's like having my own personal therapist!!

In case you all were wondering what caused my emotional roller coaster, the contract fell through on our house this week and I am so frustrated that I can't even begin to tell you without wanting to punch a hole in something, or someone! So, I won't get into any details but just know that I will probably be pretty crabby the next little while until we can figure out our next steps to take with our nightmare on Elm street! Yes, that is right, our home is on Elm St. and we have joked from the beginning when we had so many problems building that it was a nightmare on Elm Street. I feel that nightmare on Elm street would be a very appropriate nick name for that house, even though I loved living in it, it will always be remembered as a nightmare!!!!


Nina said...

When I was in high school I was taught that you shouldn't use the word "sucks" but I really can't think of a better word right now. That really sucks! It has been such a long road trying to sell that house of yours. Hopefully everything works itself out soon.

Barbara said...

Ya, I think it really sucks too! This is the second time that this has happened so I guess I shouldn't really be too shocked. Maybe we're just meant to have that home forever. Who, knows, maybe we're supposed to move back (I sure hope that is not the case).

bundy family said...

Nightmare on Elm Street (and any region within 20 miles) is right!!! We are having the worst luck with ours too! What is up with these realtors? I could go off about them and might actually do it. I'll email you.