Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Is it just me?

This time of year always seems to be busy with the holidays, but for some reason I feel like there just isn't enough hours in the day to get everything done. Is it just me or is time just flying by so fast? Ryker has started saying a few words, well actually he only says one, SOCKS! It is so cute to hear him say socks, over and over and over. He loves to go outside and so when I tell him it's time to get our shoes and socks on he gets so excited and just starts saying "socks, socks, socks". Usually the only time we go outside now that it's cold is to take Rayden to pre-school. Ryker gets so sad when Rayden gets out of the car and runs into school. That kid deffineately has some separation issues.

Rayden has really been loving pre-school. I'm really glad I held him back a year. I kept thinking I would regret it and that it would be such a hard a year with him home but so far it has been a really good thing for him. I went to help out at his school the other day and it was good for me to see the other kids look up to him. They would all ask Rayden to help them open the playdoh and he was so cute with the younger kids. I think it has really helped him learn how to be a leader and not a follower all the time. He knows how to make his own decisions now and not to just do what other people do. He's also doing so much better with his speech. I really feel comfortable about our decision and I know that it was the right one. I just can't believe he is getting so big! Some days I look at him and think - "I'm too young to have a kid as big as him!" Then I realize that there are people my age who have one or even two or more kids than I do and I'm grateful that I just have two precious boys!!!

Life is good. I love being a mom and I love watching my kids do their funny little things each day. I don't love when they tear apart the house every other second but I guess that goes along with the whole mother thing. You would not believe how quickly that Ryker can destroy things...I better watch out because everyday he grows older, he learns more and more things he can get into to!!

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