Rayden has lost three teeth over the past week bringing the total to 5 in one year!!! He also has been getting his 6 yr. molars in the back. Poor kid, his mouth must be hurting!!! But, he loves when the tooth fairy comes!!!
It's been a busy month for us! One fun thing I did this last month was go on a girls weekend to a friend's cabin in Midway. It was definitely an experience we will never forget!!! I won't spill all details but let's just say it was a crazy day getting up to the cabin which ended in a snow storm through the canyon and a run in with a police officer. Everyone was all safe, no accidents, it was just a crazy day! When we got to the cabin we had to trudge all our stuff (and let me tell you we had a lot of stuff!) in the dark, through the snow to get in! Then we had to learn how to light a fire and get the heat going so we didn't freeze. Come to find out, the hot water pipe had froze and broken so guess what? No hot water the whole weekend! It was just like camping!!! We woke up the next morning to snow, and without hot water to shower we just decided to stay indoors all day scrap-booking and eating junk food all day instead of shopping the outlets! All in all, it was a great weekend full of great food, treats, chick flicks, laughing and best of all NO KIDS!!!! Well, actually my one girlfriend was nursing so she of course had her little one, who ended up getting pretty sick, but he was a pretty pleasant sick little baby compared to my kids! It was just great to be away from MY kids for 3 days!!! Randy was such a good sport to watch the kids. My mother-in-law also helped out during the day, she is amazing!!!!
We also just finished with wrestling season! It is a lot shorter for us than most wrestlers in this area. We aren't quite ready to take Rayden to all the weekend tournaments all over the state so we just stick to the clinic and tournaments that Richfield High School does for the boys. Rayden has a lot of fun with it, and it has been fun to see him learn and grow over the years. They usually give the boys all medals every year even if they don't win 1st, 2nd, or 3rd and Rayden loves it! This year he actually got a silver medal because he came in Second place in his division!!! He is learning so much and can actually do some real moves instead of just laying flat on his belly or chasing his opponent around. I can't believe my little boy is getting bigger! In a few years I'll have Ryker in there wrestling too!
It pretty much as been a crazy last month now that I'm feeling a little better and getting out a lot more. If you haven't heard yet, or seen my big belly, then I guess it's time to say that I'm pregnant!!! I'm about 18 weeks along and getting bigger every day!!! We don't want to find out what we're having so unless somethings happens during my ultra sound in two weeks where we accidentally see, then we won't know until the baby pops out!!!! We didn't find out with Rayden and it was so much fun that day in hospital to hear the doctor say "it's a boy!!!" It was also fun knowing what we were having with Ryker but I think I liked it better not knowing. It's also funny to see how mad people get when we tell them we aren't finding out, even when they are complete strangers!
I was really sick the first trimester and I have still been a little sick into the second. I still have to throw up every morning before I eat breakfast and eat pretty regularly throughout the day. I also still get pretty sick in the evenings and have to just take a unisom and go to bed early every night. Now, believe it or not, my belly is starting to get bigger and bigger and it is already getting uncomfortable to wear clothing, walk, sleep and bend over! I'm curious to see how big the baby is at my ultrasound! I told Randy that each time I get pregnant it gets worse and worse, so I'm not sure how many more times I can do this! We'll see how I make it through the summer since the baby isn't due until mid August!! I'll keep you updated with pictures to come!
To add to our craziness, a few months ago, the Relief Society Pres. called me and asked me to put a committee together and plan the Relief Society Birthday Party. I was sick at the time and a little out of it and just said yes not really knowing what I was getting myself into! Luckily, I picked some amazing ladies to help me plan and it really ended up being not so difficult. The hardest part was coming up with the initial plans and getting the Pres. to okay every thing. She wasn't too fond of our first draft of ideas so we had to re-plan everything. It was a little frustrating but we made it through. At the same time as all this was going on, I was also trying to do scouts, pretty much by myself since Randy was so busy with school and his practicum. He showed up to the the den meetings physically (not mentally) but I had to plan, prepare, and do everything! On top of that, I was called to lead the music in primary and Randy got called to the Elders Quorum Presidency for a while before they could release us from scouts. So we were doing double and triple duty for a little bit!!! Keep in mind, I rarely see Randy because he has been working 10 hrs. a day and studying like crazy this semester because he not only has a practicum where he has to work 10 hrs. a week without pay under a school councilor, but he also has to work his regular job, attend regular Tuesday night class which includes writing papers, studying for quizzes, reading text books, etc. I kind of felt like an over worked single mom who is pregnant and sick all the time!!! Let's just say it has been really rough and I don't think I would have survived the last few months without my great friends and my mother-in-law who has helped out with the kids a lot!
Now, the R.S. Birthday party is over, I have been released from scouts, the weather is getting warmer where I can send the kids outside to play for a little bit, I am feeling a lot better, and Randy is almost done with his practicum hours!!!! He actually had some great news last week and is able to get his practicum hours at work, working on a project that the courts received a grant for but that is for the school! Confusing I know, but the main important thing to know is that he is back to working regular 8 hr. days which means he isn't quite so tired by the end of the day and has a little more time to study. Now he can relax for a tiny bit at times and talk to his family and play with his kids! Which means, I get a little bit of "me time" every now and then! There is light at the end of tunnel for me!!!!!! Hurray for sunshine!!!!!!! Now if the spring will just wipe out those pesky little colds that keep taunting my boys we will be A-Okay!!!! Thanks all who have helped me through the last few months, you will be eternally blessed!!! And now onto the next month, who knows what little surprises it will hold!!!
I was really sick the first trimester and I have still been a little sick into the second. I still have to throw up every morning before I eat breakfast and eat pretty regularly throughout the day. I also still get pretty sick in the evenings and have to just take a unisom and go to bed early every night. Now, believe it or not, my belly is starting to get bigger and bigger and it is already getting uncomfortable to wear clothing, walk, sleep and bend over! I'm curious to see how big the baby is at my ultrasound! I told Randy that each time I get pregnant it gets worse and worse, so I'm not sure how many more times I can do this! We'll see how I make it through the summer since the baby isn't due until mid August!! I'll keep you updated with pictures to come!
To add to our craziness, a few months ago, the Relief Society Pres. called me and asked me to put a committee together and plan the Relief Society Birthday Party. I was sick at the time and a little out of it and just said yes not really knowing what I was getting myself into! Luckily, I picked some amazing ladies to help me plan and it really ended up being not so difficult. The hardest part was coming up with the initial plans and getting the Pres. to okay every thing. She wasn't too fond of our first draft of ideas so we had to re-plan everything. It was a little frustrating but we made it through. At the same time as all this was going on, I was also trying to do scouts, pretty much by myself since Randy was so busy with school and his practicum. He showed up to the the den meetings physically (not mentally) but I had to plan, prepare, and do everything! On top of that, I was called to lead the music in primary and Randy got called to the Elders Quorum Presidency for a while before they could release us from scouts. So we were doing double and triple duty for a little bit!!! Keep in mind, I rarely see Randy because he has been working 10 hrs. a day and studying like crazy this semester because he not only has a practicum where he has to work 10 hrs. a week without pay under a school councilor, but he also has to work his regular job, attend regular Tuesday night class which includes writing papers, studying for quizzes, reading text books, etc. I kind of felt like an over worked single mom who is pregnant and sick all the time!!! Let's just say it has been really rough and I don't think I would have survived the last few months without my great friends and my mother-in-law who has helped out with the kids a lot!
Now, the R.S. Birthday party is over, I have been released from scouts, the weather is getting warmer where I can send the kids outside to play for a little bit, I am feeling a lot better, and Randy is almost done with his practicum hours!!!! He actually had some great news last week and is able to get his practicum hours at work, working on a project that the courts received a grant for but that is for the school! Confusing I know, but the main important thing to know is that he is back to working regular 8 hr. days which means he isn't quite so tired by the end of the day and has a little more time to study. Now he can relax for a tiny bit at times and talk to his family and play with his kids! Which means, I get a little bit of "me time" every now and then! There is light at the end of tunnel for me!!!!!! Hurray for sunshine!!!!!!! Now if the spring will just wipe out those pesky little colds that keep taunting my boys we will be A-Okay!!!! Thanks all who have helped me through the last few months, you will be eternally blessed!!! And now onto the next month, who knows what little surprises it will hold!!!
When I see you next to Rayden, it is hard to believe you are his mom. He is so big and you are just a dainty little person.
I am so sorry that you have been so sick. I really have had it good ...considering. But I feel so lucky to have a close friend be pregnant with me. It will be fun to let our children play together.
Are you feeling your baby yet? I feel little kicks a lot and I just love it! :)
Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you guys! Good luck!
Nina, I've actually been feeling my baby move a lot! With my other two I didn't usually feel them until about 20 weeks but I started feeling this one move around16 weeks. At first I could just tell that the baby had changed positions but now I'm starting to feel little kicks! It's fun to finally feel something; it makes all the sickness barable! And actually I'm feeling a lot better lately and so that makes it fun too!
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