Monday, May 11, 2009

We love you Lariann!

I was shocked to hear that my colorguard friend from high school, Lariann, passed away on Saturday from Brain Cancer. It is so hard to imagine that such a thing should be allowed to happen to someone so young. Never the less, I'm sure she is in a much happier place now! She is such a happy and enthusiastic girl, I'm sure she is on the other side just cheering us all on from there giving us a "double thubs up", just like she was always encouraging us on at every compitition in High School to do our best.

Lariann (on the right) did a duet her senior year. She and Alyssa always placed within the top 3 and I think even took 1st once, if not more. She always worked so hard in colorguard and I don't think I ever heard her complain about anything. What an example to us all!

Lariann (on the right) & Nina with the "Guard Dog"
I think the year this picture was taken was my most favorite year out of all four years I was in colorguard. Lariann is holding our 1st place trophy! We had a great year with lots of fun and many accomplishments! Lariann was always quoting Yoda from Star Wars: "Do or do not, there is no Try" Even to this day, when ever I feel like I can't do something or I get discouraged I always think of this quote and I can hear Lariann saying it! She will always be an inspiration to me! We love you Lariann and we will miss you!
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1 comment:

Nina said...

Barbara I am so glad you posted about Lariann. You had some great pictures of her, and I forgot all about her quoting star wars. I found her blog while searching for an obituary and loved the quote she has: "When you die, if you get a choice between going to regular heaven or pie heaven, choose pie heaven. It might be a trick, but if it's not, mmmmmmmm boy." She is probably in pie heaven now. :) I think they are doing services next Saturday If you want to go with me.