Sunday, May 31, 2009

A lot of pictures!

So much has been happening for the Riddle family these past few weeks! I would like to say that things are slowing down but they aren't really. Randy is almost half way through his school course he is taking right now. We should find out any day now if he got accepted to the Master's program he applied for. He also just finished his last day at his old job and is really enjoying his new one! He has a lot to learn but he is really loving the challenge!

Rayden finished his last day at he District Preschool! They had a cute little program where they sang a few songs and played games outside! I can't believe how much his speech has improved this last year and I'm so glad he was able to have the help he did from the District. We're excited for him to return to the District Preschool again next year. It will be a long year but well worth the extra year!

We've also been spending a lot of time at Lagoon! I'm sure we'll have lots more pictures from Lagoon as the summer goes on but here are a few from the first trip. Rayden has never been to an amusement park before and he was pretty scared the first ride we went on. We rode the Jumping Dragon as the first ride and he said as soon as it started, "mom I don't want to ride this anymore." Of course it was too late to get off so he just held on tight! After the ride, his cousins convinced him it was the best ride and now after we've gone on it about 5 times, I think it's his favorite!
I love Rayden & Caiden's eyes in this picture! They both were being silly and wouldn't look normal at the camera!

Rayden had to have his glasses on practically the whole time! He looked pretty cool and we got a lot of comments!

We also had to take our annual trip to Day out with Thomas! This year we were able to invite some family to go with us and it was pretty fun. Although I have to say, it wasn't as fun this year in Utah as it has been in years past in Kansas. They didn't have as much stuff to do and there were twice as many people. It was soooo crowded and I felt like everywhere I turned I was running into people. We were lucky enough to miss the rain storm. It started raining just as we were leaving.

I love the eyes! Rayden has this thing with looking at the camera - he can't seem to do it!

I also got to see some long time friends that I haven't seen in years at Lariann's funeral. It was a beautiful service and also a beautiful day.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bald Baby!

Ryker's First Haircut!!! Just like getting his diaper changed and getting dressed, this kid HATES getting his hair cut. He is totally opposite from his brother in every way. Rayden loved getting his hair cut as a baby and never made so much as a peep! I had to give Ryker a sucker while I cut his hair to keep him occupied and that still didn't work very good. You can tell by his face that he was so angry at me!! Now that he is so bald, I can totally see how he looks like Rayden! When I look back at Rayden's baby pictures they look like twins except a different eye color!!
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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

All I want for Mothers Day...

Okay, so I know that Mother's Day is over, but I can still dream can't I? I actually had a pretty yucky Mother's Day and all I wanted by the end of the day was to put the kids to bed and sink down in a big bubble bath with the jets on full blast!!! However, I seemed to have left the most wonderful jacuzzi tub back in Missouri, dang it all!!! If only I could have just one luxurious soak in my tub! Is that too much to ask for? And to think that it is just sitting there a thousand miles away, ALONE!!! Taking a bath in a regular bathtub is just so depressing after having one in my jacuzzi tub. It just isn't worth the time. I guess I will have to find a friend with an amazing tub and BEG them to let me soak in it for an hour or so.

Monday, May 11, 2009

We love you Lariann!

I was shocked to hear that my colorguard friend from high school, Lariann, passed away on Saturday from Brain Cancer. It is so hard to imagine that such a thing should be allowed to happen to someone so young. Never the less, I'm sure she is in a much happier place now! She is such a happy and enthusiastic girl, I'm sure she is on the other side just cheering us all on from there giving us a "double thubs up", just like she was always encouraging us on at every compitition in High School to do our best.

Lariann (on the right) did a duet her senior year. She and Alyssa always placed within the top 3 and I think even took 1st once, if not more. She always worked so hard in colorguard and I don't think I ever heard her complain about anything. What an example to us all!

Lariann (on the right) & Nina with the "Guard Dog"
I think the year this picture was taken was my most favorite year out of all four years I was in colorguard. Lariann is holding our 1st place trophy! We had a great year with lots of fun and many accomplishments! Lariann was always quoting Yoda from Star Wars: "Do or do not, there is no Try" Even to this day, when ever I feel like I can't do something or I get discouraged I always think of this quote and I can hear Lariann saying it! She will always be an inspiration to me! We love you Lariann and we will miss you!
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Thursday, May 7, 2009


Rayden is finally finished with Headstart Preschool. He absolutely LOVED it and I am so sad it is over. They had a fun last day where the kids played games and were presented with a certificate and a book! Then we had some lunch and headed home.

These are Rayden's teachers. They were so cute with him and he loved them so much. Thank you Miss Wendy and Miss Melissa!

Some of Rayden's friends from Preschool.
Rayden's favorite activity was hammering nails into a board. He loves to hammer (Hmmm I wonder why) especially with his dad!
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