Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tricks and Treats!!

Okay, I made this pie like a long time ago, and you know me....I always love to take pictures of what I bake. This one is a peanut butter and jelly pie. The crust turned out not so good, I totally messed up on it, but the pie itself was delicious!!!
Here our some pictures of our family going to the pumpkin patch! It was a windy day but the kids had so much fun! We went on a tractor ride and got a lot of pumpkins!

We also got to ride around on the little train. The trip to the pumpkin patch is starting to become our little family tradition. The kids just love it! We're also having fun getting ready for Halloween. I've been trying to put together Rayden's costume and he is just so excited to go trick or treating! I'm not excited for all the candy around the house but what can you do? Ryker is turning into a sugar fiend. He knows where I hide the candy bucket in the house and he walks over to where it is and points and screams!!! Too bad he ate all the candy the other day so now the bucket is empty. I have to listen to him scream and scream and scream because the bucket is empty. I guess Halloween can't come soon enough!
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Nina said...

Barbara, you are so beautiful!! I don't think you look old enough to have a 5 year old. Maybe that is just because I am older than you and still don't have any kids.

Barbara said...

Oh Nina, you aren't too much older than me!!! Besides, I'm sure you'll have kids soon enough. Sometimes I don't feel old enough to have kids, but other times I feel as though I've always had them!! Does that make sense?

Sarah Jimenez said...

Looks like so much fun! I love fall! Your pie looked delicious too! I need to be brave and venture out past cookies sometime.