Friday, September 19, 2008


So far Rayden is loving Preschool! The bus comes and picks him up and he has lunch at school. I went yesterday to help out for a little bit and to see who is in his class. It is a huge class! There is also an older boy that is kind of a bully to all the kids. Rayden's teacher mentioned to Randy that Rayden gets picked on a little bit but that Rayden really knows how to defend himself. I guess that is a good thing but I feel bad that he gets picked-on. When I went yesterday I found out that the bully kind of picks on everyone. I guess it's not just Rayden. I've also started to go pick him up instead of letting him ride home on the bus because the bus ride home is almost an hour and we only live 2 min. away from the school. He is the last to be dropped off so that is why it takes so long. Anyway, he loving being at school. Next week is when he starts speech therapy! I am excited for that because then maybe I'll start to understand him better.

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