Thursday, March 27, 2008


Here are the easter eggs that Rayden colored. We didn't color very many but Rayden had fun anyway.

Of course Rayden had to play on the slides at the park after the egg hunt. He loves going to play park and I have a feeling we will be spending a lot of time there this summer with baby brother.

Rayden loved running around the park trying to find the easter eggs. He had a hard time understanding at first what was going on and passed up many eggs. It was funny to watch!

Here is Rayden with his Easter bunny bag he made at Preschool.

Easter wasn't very eventful for the Riddle family this year. Randy was home all weekend in bed with the flu and the weather outside was windy and cold. Rayden and I did manage to go to the egg hunt at the park and then we decorated eggs.


Garcizzals said...

that bottom picture of raiden looks just like you!!!

Sarah Jimenez said...

Rayden is getting so big! He is such a cutie. Great job coloring eggs! That is one of my favorite parts of Easter. I sure don't miss the spring Missouri weather. Utah is much nicer this time of year....