A: Each player answers the questions about themselves.
B: At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged on your blog.
What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was in 8th grade at Kaysville Jr. High and I was probably a really big nerd.
5 things on my to-do list today.
1. Go to work.
2. Grocery shopping.
3. clean the house.
4. Have Family Home Evening with the Family
5. Update my Easter pictures on my blog.
6 snacks I enjoy.
1. Peaches & cottage cheese
2. Chips dipped in Avocado's mixed with salsa
3. Ice Cream
4. Pickles
5. Kettle Corn (only certain brands) & Jones Soda
6. Snow Cone
3 bad habits.
1. I am way to lazy.
2. I criticize my husband way too much
3. I like to watch a LOT of movies
If I were suddenly a billionaire, I would....
Pay a professional to decorate my house (of course after I bought my dream house), go on a cruise with my husband, and own a beauty salon or spa.
Five places I've lived.
1. Salt Lake City, UT (Rose Park the Ghetto)
2. Fruit Heights, UT
3. St. George, UT
4. Cameron, MO
5. Kidder, MO
5 jobs I've had.
1.Delta Center
3.Thayer Learning Center
4. 2B Enterprises
5. Mom
5 things people don't know about me.
1. I hate hair (except on my head) and I would have all my body hair removed if I could.
2. I hate being a lone.
3. I have a huge phobia of animals.
4. There are very few girls I get a long with in this world besides my sisters. (that is why I hope I have all boys)
5. I really hate living out in Missouri!! I would really like to move some where else.