Okay, so this is the first year in a long time that I have actually made New Year resolutions! Go me!!!! However, I have pretty much failed, miserably. Starting with the first day of the year I have had sick kids all year! Ryker started us off with a terrible cough and fever. He was practically up all through the night for a few nights in a row, keeping me and Randy up, and continued to cough on just about everyone and everything. I have been downing the Emergen C like crazy in hopes of staying healthy! Anyway, while he was on the mends, Rayden started getting a stuffy nose and coughing. Uggh! Rayden usually handles colds a little better because he is older and can actually take medicine to help him feel better. So I attempted to actually follow through with one of my resolutions to get Ryker to stay dry at night. We tried for a few nights to wake him up and take him to the potty in hopes of achieving this. No matter what time we woke up, he was already wet!!!! So, we had to change sheets and clothes halfway through the night. Also, we are taking a stand and not letting Ryker come into our bed every morning at 3 or 4 to sleep with us. This results in him screaming and crying, turning every light on in the house, and slamming doors. This ended in getting even less sleep!!! By Friday, Rand and I were walking zombies!!!
So of course, who was next up to catch the dreaded cough.....the baby! Yes, as much as I tried to keep her away from the boys, she got a cough and runny nose, developed a fever, and has been so miserable. I think yesterday was the worst day, not for her, but for me! I was so sleep deprived and I just could not get her to nurse or drink from a bottle all day! It was so frustrating because I couldn't figure out what was wrong and why she wouldn't eat. Finally when Randy got home he held her for a while and actually started feeding her a little milk from a syringe. I think she drank about 2 oz. was all. I put her to bed and just hoped that she would sleep most the night and wake up ready to eat. Luckily she did! Well, mostly. She woke up 4 am coughing so I went in and got her up and was successful in nursing her!!! Unfortunately, little Rykes bikes woke up as well. So, another night of not getting much sleep for me. I'm really hoping for a nap at some point today if I want to keep any sanity at all!!!! As for my resolutions - I think I need to do a re-vamp and try and find some motivation somewhere to get my life in order. I'm actually just praying that I can stay healthy. For the last couple days I have had a slight headache and the startings of a scratchy throat! I guess I'll just keep chugging the emergen C and hope for the best!!!! I hope you all are having better luck than me with your new year resolutions!!!!!