I always get the winter blues after Christmas!!! It always seems like Nov. and Dec. are so busy with holiday festivities and family and it goes by so stinking fast!!!! Then January hits and suddenly time comes to a screeching HALT!!!!! It's freezing cold, nothing is happening, and time just seems to stand still. I always tell myself I'm going to do a project to help time go by but I just can't seem to get it together and come up with a project that doesn't cost a fortune!!! So, sadly I have to say that my life has been very boring lately. You know, just the usual stuff going on: cleaning house, doing dishes, taking care of the kids, breaking up arguing children constantly, spending a few hours on the weekend with my hubby, and then starting the week all over again!
To add to our boredom, Rand started his second to last semester of lectures for graduate school!!!!! Then he has a year of internship after that. I am seriously counting down the days he has left of this! While it is still somewhat overwhelming how much he has left, he has really accomplished so much and we're finally on the home stretch!!!! However, this semester will probably be the worst of it so if I can make it through May I will be so happy! Not only does he have his regular Tuesday night classes and tons of homework all week, he started his practicum where he has to get 150 work hours (which are unpaid)!!!! So basically he leaves before I get out of bed in the morning and gets home around 6, we have dinner, and then he is either in class, studying, or we are doing our church calling! It's Saturday before I actually get to spend some time with him, but then he leaves for several hours during the day so he can study where it's quiet! So my weeks are pretty boring sitting home with the kids all day!!! It's too freezing cold to go out so we are just holed up in our house watching truck/tractor movies all day! Isn't it just great? So if any of you are bored at all, feel free to stop on by!!!
Other than school and winter blues, nothing else seems to be happening at the Riddle home. I've started to teach Rayden a little of piano. He was excited at first but after two weeks he's already saying that it's too hard and doesn't seem to want to practice. He is such a little smarty pants, I just don't know what to do with him! He's learning to read at school and he is doing so great!!!The teacher had to skip him ahead in the books he brings home because they are way too easy for him. I guess that's partly because I held him back a year from starting kindergarten but I still feel really confident that I made the right decision! I'm thinking I'll do the same thing with Ryker but I'm not quite sure yet. Ryker is such a rough'n'tough little guy!!! He is so wild and crazy and he is kind of a little bully to his older brother! For being four years younger, he sure can cause a fuss with my soft-hearted Rayden! It's just so interesting for me to see how different my two boys are, but at the same time, they are very much alike! I love watching them grow and learn and play! They truly are an amazing blessing in my life! As much as I complain about how long and stressful each day is trying to raise them, I wouldn't trade it for anything else!
Well, stay tuned for pictures soon. I was really hoping I could put up some Christmas pictures, but wouldn't you know it, right when I finally decide to (and my 6 yr. old isn't hogging the computer) my picture program is updating and it is taking FOREVER!!!!!I know I am quite the slacker but don't give up me!!! It's rough having to compete for computer time with a 6 year old! He thinks he owns the thing!!!! So, you'll just have to wait probably another month to finally see our Christmas!!!